The Community Behind Store One
The Store One public-private partnership is supported by public funding, the private sector and the philanthropic community.
We are grateful to the following for their early investment and support of Store One:
Philanthropic Funders
Samueli Foundation
Sun Family Foundation
SUSTAIN/SOSTENER ($100,000 - $499,999)
Disneyland Resort
Northgate González Market / Familia González Reynoso
Wells Fargo Foundation
NOURISH/NUTRIR ($10,000 - $99,999)
Support Our Anaheim Resort Area
Ueberroth Family Foundation
U.S. Bank
Warne Family Charitable Foundation
U.S. Economic Development Administration
Federal Community Development Block Grant
City of Anaheim General Fund
U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla & U.S. Rep. Lou Correa Federal Appropriation
CA Assemblymember Avelino Valencia State Appropriation
Anaheim Public Utilities
To learn more how you can invest in our community and support Store One…
Email Christian Esteban, Project Manager, @ christiane@storeoneanaheim.org.